
Do you have some sort of smartphone?

Forgetting Stuff At Home

If you're a parent, how often do your kids forget things at home that you have to drive back to school to give to them?

Adding Parents on FaceBook

If you have a facebook account and your parents try to be your friend, do you ignore them or add them?

Nap Time!

When was the last time you took a nap?

Video Conferencing

How many of you use video conferencing?  Would you set it up in your offices at work so as to not need to leave your office?

Bathroom Breaks

How many bathroom breaks do you take while at work?

Music Concerts

When was the last time you went to a concert?  Do you try to get the best seat, or are you just glad you're there?


Do you like to run?  

Topless Women At Beaches

Would you approve an ordinance to allow women to go topless at designated area on the beach in your city?

Shopping For Clothes

Why is it that women love shopping for clothes, shoes, and accessories so much?

Dog Walking

Have any of you had to walk someone's dogs? If so, did you want to do it, or couldn't say, "no."

Working After a Three Day Weekend

Do you lose track of what day it is after a holiday?

4th of July 2010

Do you have any plans for the U.S. holiday or are you just going to "chill out?"

Music CDs

Do you purchase music CDs or download mp3s?

Mouthwatering Ribs

Do you like "Babyback" or "Beef" ribs?