Ryan Lochte

Should Ryan Lochte be suspended from Team USA for lying about being robbed in Rio during the Olympics this year?

Rio Olympics

Did Ryan Lochte and the rest of the swimmers lie about being robbed?  If so, what do you think was the reasoning behind making up the story if they did?

Getting Off Work

What is the first thing that you do when you get home from working?


Do you take your lunch to work or do you eat out for lunch?

Doping in the Olympics

Do you think that being caught for doping should be banned for life?

2016 Rio Olympics

Are you watching the Olympics from Rio?  If so, what events are you favorites?

Republican National Convention

Are you watching the RNC coverage on TV or elsewhere?

Church Attendance

Do you "attend" church in some way? If you don't physically go into church, do you watch on-line, listen on the radio?

Cable TV

Do you have Cable TV, DirectTV or other subscription?

Pokemon Go

Have you installed Pokemon Go on your iPhone or Android Device?  How long do you think the Pokemon Go craze will last?

Black Lives Matter

Do you understand the "Black Lives Matter" movement? Or do you feel it should be "All Lives Matter?"

My View is Correct

How long do you try to convince someone that your position or view is the correct stance?

Getting Help When Moving

Do you ask your friends, or pay someone to help you move?

Automatic versus Manual Shifting

Do you think that one should still learn how to drive a stick-shift?

Public Shaming (Spanking)

Do you feel that public shaming would increase productivity here in the United States?

Chinese Bank Spanks Employees in Public for Poor Performance?

Obama versus Trump

Should a president be responding to political tweets from Donald Trump or not?

Orlando Mass Shooting

Do you think that the Orlando Mass Shooting result in a banning of assault weapons such as the AR-15?

Election Process

Do you think that the election process for President of the United States is fair?

Graduation Day

How many graduations have you attended this year?  Do you think they last too long?

iPhone or Android

Which type of smartphone do you prefer?  An iPhone or Android based device?

Games for Your iPhone or Android Smartphone

Do you play games on your smartphone?  If so, which and how long do you play per day?

Who Should Decide Dress Code?

It is graduation time and flyers are being sent home telling parents what is acceptable for graduation attire.  What do you think?

Inciting Violence

Do you think that speech that incites violence okay under the freedom of speech right?

Free College for Everyone

Do you think that providing college free of charge to everyone would help the economy?  Cost too much? Devalue degrees? What is your thought?

Amazon Disables Encryption on Fire Devices

Do you think that Amazon gave in to the pressure that is being exerted on Apple?  Do you agree with Amazon getting rid of the encryption their devices?

Are You Getting Cheated By Working Feb. 29th?

How many of you think that you're working for free today?

Presidential Power

Do you think that the President of the United States has the ability to keep all the promises they make?

Trump versus Clinton for President

Which of the two candidates: Trump or Clinton would be better for the United States as President?  Do you think that Trump's brash ways would hinder or help?  How about Clinton's trust issues (emails, Benghazi, mis-speaking)

Social Media Usage

How many times per day do you check your social media accounts, or do you have notifications turned on?