Roman Polanski

Should Roman Polanski serve time for raping the 13 year old girl even though it was decades ago?

Phishing Attacks

Have you or anyone you know fallen for a phishing attack?

DNA Samples

Would you allow the FBI to take DNA from your baby for the crime database to help solve future cases?

World Conflict

Where will the next world conflict occur?

Refinancing your home

Do you think that refinancing a home is a wise decision?


Are smartphones a waste of money?

Pre-Marital Counseling

Should all couples take pre-marital counseling to make sure they are ready for marriage?

The United Nations

Is the United Nations a forum for nations to show boat?


Do you totally trust that premium gas is not just regular unleaded?

Things that make you happy!

What makes you the happiest?


Do you believe in luck?

Evolution or Creation?

Do you believe that man evolved from lower forms or was man created?

Classmates versus Facebook

How long before Classmates lowers the price to join to FREE?

Favorite Food

Do you think you could eat your favorite food everyday for the rest of you life?

Junk Food Tax

Should the government force it's citizens to eat healthier by imposing a junk food tax? Do you think it would work?

Cell Phone Courtesy

Should an etiquette guide come with cell phones?

Time Travel

If you could spend exactly one hour at any point in history, where would you go?

Super Heroes

Who is your favorite SUPER HERO?

Songs in your head

What is the last song that you heard that got stuck in your head?

On-line Dating Sites

Are on-line dating sites a waste of money?


Do you play the lottery?

Big Words

What do you think about people that use BIG WORDS?

The Ex-Girlfriend or Ex-Boyfriend

Have you ever acted stalkerish about the EX?

Credit Cards

How many credit cards are you carrying right now?

Obama as President

Did the United States make a mistake in electing Obama President?

Gay Marriage

Should gay marriage be permitted?

My experiment

How long do you think I can go without missing a day of QOD2009?

A bloggers motives

If you blog, why did you start?  If you don't, then why don't you?